Rates for booking the hall and rooms
Ramsbury Memorial Hall Hire Charges
from 1st April 2024Ramsbury Memorial Hall Hire Charges
Charges for use by residents and organizations within the Parish
Charges for use by residents and organizations within the Parish
Sunday to Friday - £14.50 per hour
Saturday - £17.00 per hour
Approval for Supply of Alcohol - £12.00
Commercial Rate and Charges for organizations and other users from outside the Parish
Commercial Rate and Charges for organizations and other users from outside the Parish
Sunday to Saturday - £20.00 per hour
Approval for Supply of Alcohol - £24.00
Meeting Room Hire Charges
from 1st April 2024Meeting Room Hire Charges
Alexander Room
Alexander Room
Within Parish - £7.00 per hour
Outside Parish - £9.00 per hour
Lychgate Room
Lychgate Room
Within Parish - £9.00 per hour
Outside Parish - £12.00 per hour